The Only Clinically Tested Double-Filter Shower Head
Clinically tested and recommended by dermatologists, developed for skin care. Healthy skin starts with your water.
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5.000+ Glückliche Kunden
Protection & care for your health, skin and hair
Clean water enriched with vitamin C
Save money, water & energy
Featured In

The new beauty standard
Give your shower a makeover and enjoy all the benefits of Korean beauty technology. Do your research, get your shower head and start (or rather finish) every day with the best shower of your life.
Twist off, twist on. Easy.
And don't forget: Beauty begins with clean water.
With love,
Niki XO
Klinisch getesteter Filter für hydratisierte & strahlende und weiche Haut & Haare -
Echte Resultate, echte Verbesserungen in nur 4 Wochen!
Gesunde Haut
Reduziert hartes Wasser, 100% Restchlor, Hartmetalle und eine Vielzahl von Chemikalien.
Klinisch getestet und für empfindliche Haut zugelassen.
Glänzendes Haar
Repariert, schützt und reinigt intensiv deine Haare
Reduzierung von Hautrötungen & -reizungen
Maximale Feuchtigkeit
VItamingel reichert Wasser mit Vitamin C, Kollagen und Glycerin an
Fördert gesunde Haut
Von Dermatologen empfohlen, um die Hautbarriere (Epidermis) zu schützen
Made in Korea
Superior UF Filter Membrane made in highest quality.
Exceeds NSF-42 Standards.
Click here to learn all about these topics:
Hair Problems

Hair problems
“A shower head replacement that brought back my hair shine!”
Skin Problems

Hair problems
“Tried a new shower head – and my dry skin disappeared after the first shower.”
Hair Loss

Hair loss
“I replaced my shower head – and my hair loss disappeared in less than a month”
Thousands of delighted customers
Look Here What They Are Saying About PICKI NIKI
Thousands of delighted customers
Look what they say about PICKI NIKI
"Life changing!"
Since moving to Berlin, I have been suffering from painful eczema on my face and scalp.
I tried everything and went to several dermatologists until a friend told me that the hard water in Berlin was probably the cause of my skin problems and recommended that I use a shower filter.
I tried another brand and couldn't tell any difference. Then I discovered the Picki Niki and within a few days my skin calmed down and my hair became softer.
This product has changed my life!
Ashley Kandestin

"No more rashes."
I have been looking for a shower filter for a few years and I am so glad I found this one. I used to get a rash in the shower and all over my body because of the hard water, not to mention the money I wasted on shampoo and conditioner.
Now, after using the shower filter for a month, I no longer have any rashes, my hair is stronger and fuller and it is growing faster than ever.
P.S. My boyfriend loves his shower after working out!
Esme & Erwin Koehler

"No more dry skin."
A filter shower head is an absolute must-have in Korea and I brought one when I moved to Germany. But I still got skin problems because of the hard water.
I realized that a normal Korean shower head with a filter is not enough for hard European water.So I bought the Picki Niki shower head with filter and tried it out. The best purchase ever!Not only is the quality of the shower water now pleasantly soft and nourishing, but the design is also beautiful and unique!
The shower spray is very strong and at the same time relaxing. Great!
The handle filter turns brownish and darker, which is the rust that is filtered out, making my hair really shine - and I love the scent!
Danbi Lee

"Happy to have it!"
As a hair care enthusiast, I am always looking for new products and treatments that make my hair look its best. And then I heard about this new filter shower head: PICKI NIKI!
An absolute game changer.
PICKI NIKI neutralizes hard water (“calcareous”), so that all hair products can finally work optimally and leave no residue.
It rinses incredibly well and keeps my hair and scalp clean and healthy.
Avrin Brill

"Softer hair, less itching."
I love our Picki Niki shower heads, they are fantastic.
We live in Norfolk, England, in an area with very hard water and installing these shower heads has made a huge difference to the softness of the water and the overall shower experience.
My son has eczema and says his skin doesn't itch as much since we started using them, and my hair is softer and shinier.
Plus, the shower cubicle is much easier to clean because there is much less limescale than before. I will definitely buy the filters again.
Charlotte Leedham
Success stories from our community

Maximizes skin hydration
enjoy an after-shower experience without skin dryness
reported no more dry or itchy skin after showering

Radiant, full hair
reported shiny hair within two weeks

Relieves flaking
of the users affected experience a significant improvement

Relieves redness of the scalp
report on minimized scalp redness without itching

Reduces skin irritation
Reduce Skin Irritation
the user with eczema experienced a major improvement
users with ezcema experienced good

Experience clean water
of our users are shocked by the quality of their drinking water.
Erfolgsstories unserer Community

Maximiert Hautfeuchtigkeit
leiden nicht mehr unter trockener oder juckender Haut nach der Dusche

Strahlend & volles Haar
berichteten über strahlendes Haar innerhalb von zwei Wochen

Lindert Schuppenbildung
der betroffenen Nutzerinnen erleben eine Verbesserung

Unleash the power of vitamin C for your best skin & hair or your money back!
We are sure that you will fall in love with Picki Niki after your first shower! And we are so convinced of this that you can try it for 30 days. No risk. If you don't see any results, you will get a full refund.
Shop NowChoose For Your Starter Pack Extras And Accessories With 40% Discount
1. Shower Head
Choose a shower head in black or white and add it to your shopping cart
2. Extras and Accessories
Select out of the following 8 products and add them to your shopping cart:
6x vitamin filters of your choice
1x sediment handle filter [3-pack]
1x travel pouch
3. Automatic Discount
You will automatically receive a 40% discount on extras and accessories